The Technical Specification of Medicines/Medical Consumables will be framed by a Technical and Certification Committee comprising of following Members:-
For Health Department/National Health Mission, Haryana/AYUSH Department, Haryana.
1) Managing Director, HMSCL- Chairperson
2) DGHS or any Director level representative duly authorized by DGHS- Member.
3) Mission Director or any Director level representative duly authorized by Mission Director- Member.
4) Director General AYUSH or any Director level representative duly authorized by DG AYUSH– Member
5) 1 specialists of the concerned speciality for which Medicines/Medical Consumables is required (to be nominated by DGHS) - Member.
6) 1 representative of the HMSCL (Nominated by MD HMSCL) – Member.
7) In case the Chairperson faces any difficulty in deciding the specifications, Chairperson shall associate a HOD of Government Medical Colleges, PGIMS, AIIMS or his representative of the concerned speciality.
For Medical Colleges/other institutions
1) Managing Director, HMSCL- Chairperson
2) Director/Head of Medical College/Institution/ Other department-Member
3) 1 specialists of the concerned speciality for which Medicines/Medical Consumables is required (to be nominated by Director/Head of Medical College/Institution/Other Department) - Members.
4) 2 representatives of HMSCL. (Nominated by MD HMSCL) – Members
5) In case the chairperson faces any difficulty in deciding the specifications. Chairperson shall associate Director General Health Services, Haryana or his representative of the concerned speciality.
2.1 On the receipt of indent/demand from the Indenting Department the same will be referred to Technical and Certification Committee constituted by HMSCL so as to frame the technical specifications of Medical Equipments. The Technical and Certification Committee shall comprise of following:-
1) Managing Director, HMSCL- Chairperson 2) DGHS or any Director level representative duly authorized by DGHS- Member.
3) Mission Director, NHM or any Director level representative duly authorized by Mission Director- Member.
4) Director, Medical Education & Research or any Joint/Additional Director level representative duly authorized by DMER- Member.
5) Two specialists of the concerned speciality for which Medical Equipments is required (to be nominated by indenting department/DGHS) - Members.
6) One Bio-Medical Engineer (Nominated by MD HMSCL) – Member.
7) One Bio-Medical Engineer (Nominated by MD NHM) – Member.
8) In case the Chairperson faces any difficulty in deciding the specifications, the Chairperson shall associate :-
(a) HOD/representative of the concerned speciality of Government Medical Colleges, PGIMS/PGIMER, AIIMS.
(b)Bio-Medical Engineer from Government Medical Colleges, PGIMS/PGIMER, AIIMS.
(c) A representative of National Health System Resource Center (NHSRC), GOI.
2.2 The Technical Committee shall ensure that:-
(a) The procurement is objective and the specifications are generalized in nature and any particular trade mark, trade name or brand is not indicated.
(b) The specifications in terms of quality, type etc., as also quantity of goods to be procured are clearly spelt out keeping in view the specific needs of the end user.
(c) The specifications should meet the basic needs of the end user without including superfluous and non essential featureswhich may result in unwarranted expenditure.
2.3 The Technical Committee shall also consider the technical specifications of past purchases of the State, procurement by other State Medical Corporation, reputed hospitals like AIIMS etc. and technical specifications as published by National Health System Resource Centre (NHSRC), GOI, WHO/GeM golden parameters and other such standard sources for preparation of technical specifications.
2.4 HMSCL may seek further clarification from the Technical Committee on representations received in the pre-bid meeting or on any other occasion by the bidders and same shall be disposed by the above committee within 5 working days.
Website Last Updated On: Feb 18, 2025
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